Data Privacy Awareness training is critical to helping employees survive the myriad security and privacy challenges they face.
Your employees are focused on the job you hired them to do and when faced with to-do lists, distractions, and pressure to get things done quickly, cognitive loads become overwhelming and mistakes can happen.
Stepping users through security awareness training is a must. You cannot afford to neglect this training.
Phishing attackers deceive your staff by posing as people or organizations you trust. Criminals of this nature try to coax you into handing over access to sensitive data or providing the data itself.
Brute force attacks work through all the possibilities for your password until they guess correctly. These attacks take some time but have become rapid as computer speeds improve.
Hackers even hijack other devices like yours via malware infections to speed up the process. If your password is weak, it might only take a few seconds to crack it.
Your device’s operating system, software, hardware, or the network and servers you’re connected to can have security flaws.
Gaps in protection are sought by criminals as the perfect place to introduce malware.
Spyware specifically is ideal for stealing private data while being completely undetected. You might not find this infection until it’s too late.